Saturday, June 4, 2022

Russian Journalist, Kremlin Critic Granted Ukrainian Citizenship

"Russian TV journalist and Kremlin critic Alexander Nevzorov has been granted Ukrainian citizenship for “outstanding service to the country,” a Ukrainian official said Friday. Russian authorities sentenced Nevzorov to arrest in absentia in May after he criticized Russia's March 9 shelling of a Mariupol maternity hospital on social media." MT

Iranian dissident 'Resistance Units' take control of servers, security cameras in Tehran

"Iranian dissidents linked to Iran's largest and most prominent opposition group took control
Thursday of servers and security cameras across capital city Tehran, using their access to post and send hundreds of thousands of anti-government messages. So-called "Resistance Units" associated with the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (MEK) conducted an extensive operation, planned months in advance, in which they controlled and took down over 5,000 closed-circuit cameras installed at government centers, other key sites and in Tehran's streets." JustNews

Europeans Urged to Prepare for New Inflation, Price Shocks as EU Agrees to ‘Phase Out’ Russian Oil

"The European Union’s approval of a sixth package of sanctions against Russia, including the phase-out of Russian crude oil and petroleum products, has sparked a fierce debate between politicians, business leaders, economists and market experts about what’s more likely: the draining of Moscow’s “war chest” or Europe plunging into a recession complete with new energy price shocks and more inflation." Sputnik