Saturday, February 26, 2022

Conflicting reports on Chernobyl radiation after Russian capture

"Radiation levels increased at the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone, Ukraine authorities said on
Friday, warning that the seizure of the nuclear plant by invading
Russian troops could have “terrible consequences”.

The still-radioactive site of the 1986 nuclear disaster lies some 130km (80 miles) from the capital Kyiv.

In the terrible hands of the aggressor, this significant amount of plutonium-239 can become a nuclear bomb that will turn thousands of hectares into a dead, lifeless desert,” said Ukraine’s environmental protection ministry.

However, experts at Ukraine’s state nuclear agency said the radiation-level change was caused by the movement of heavy military equipment in the area, lifting radioactive dust into the air.

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) said the radiation at the site did not pose any danger to the public.

The readings reported by the regulator – of up to 9.46 microsieverts per hour – are low and remain within the operational range measured in the Exclusion Zone since it was established,” the IAEA said." AlJazeera

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