Friday, February 25, 2022

Poll: 62 Percent of Voters Say Putin Would Not Invade Ukraine if Trump Were President

"A majority of American voters believe that Russian President Vladimir Putin would not
have invaded Ukraine if former President Donald Trump were still in office, according to a recent poll.

A Harvard Center for American Political Studies-Harris Poll released Friday revealed that 62 percent of respondents believe Putin would not have invaded Ukraine if Trump were still president. Breaking down the numbers along party lines, the poll found that 85 percent of Republicans and 38 percent of Democrats held that belief.

More than half of Americans believe Putin is taking advantage of President Joe Biden’s weakness.

The Hill reported:

A majority of Americans polled — 59 percent — also said they believed that the Russian president moved on Ukraine because Putin saw weakness in President Biden, while 41 percent said that it was not a factor in Putin’s decision to invade Ukraine.

The poll surveyed 2,026 registered voters and was conducted from February 23 to February 24." Breitbart

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