Thursday, March 24, 2022

BlackRock's Fink Says Ukraine Invasion "Accelerates" ESG and Digital Currencies Shift

 "BlackRock CEO Larry Fink's annual letter to shareholders has become heavily scrutinized
as ones from Berkshire Hathaway chief Warren Buffett and JP Morgan chief Jamie Dimon. Fink is the boss of a $10 trillion asset manager, the world's largest and oversees more money than the Fed, told shareholders Russia's invasion of Ukraine would fundamentally reshape the world economy and drive up inflation as supply chains are reconfigured. 
"The Russian invasion of Ukraine has put an end to the globalization we have experienced over the last three decades," Fink wrote. 
As a result, "a large-scale reorientation of supply chains will inherently be inflationary," he said, pointing out that even before the conflict broke out in Eastern Europe, the economic effects of the virus pandemic brought US inflation to its highest in four decades.
 Like Fink's last letter to shareholders, he was focused on the firm's "ESG" and "green technology" commitments. This time around, he said the invasion "will actually accelerate the shift toward greener sources of energy in many parts of the world," because higher fossil fuel prices will make the transition of renewables financially competitive. 
On digital currencies, Fink said the Ukrainian conflict has the "potential impact on accelerating digital currencies. The war will prompt countries to re-evaluate their currency dependencies." He spoke about central bank digital currencies (CBDC) and how they "can enhance the settlement of international transactions while reducing the risk of money laundering and corruption." Again, Fink is following WEF's script of implementing new forms of digital currency that will mean governments will have more control over the people.
Frink has made clear the conflict in Ukrainian is being used as an accelerator to reorganize the global economy as the old world order crumbles and a multipolar world emerges. Supply chains will be onshored or moved closer to home, and the WEF's agenda of a green new world, more corporate surveillance, and trackable money are inevitable this decade. " ZeroHedge

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