Sunday, March 6, 2022

Cut down as they run for their lives: Heartbreaking scenes as Putin rains bombs on Irpin's 'green corridor', killing civilians as they flee while ceasefire to protect 400,000 evacuating Mariupol is shattered within minutes by heavy shelling

"Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky today warned that Russian forces are preparing to
shell Odessa today - a historic port city on the Black Sea coast. Russia has made progress in southern Ukraine since its invasion 11 days ago, overrunning the city of Kherson and shelling the port of Mariupol, but Odessa has so far been largely spared. 
Almost a million people live in Odessa, a cosmopolitan harbor on Ukraine's southern coast with both Ukrainian and Russian speakers and Bulgarian and Jewish minorities. Meanwhile, attempts to evacuate civilians from Mariupol will restart on Sunday after similar efforts yesterday were scuppered by Russian bombing just 45 minutes after a ceasefire was agreed." DailyMail

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