Friday, March 11, 2022

Ex-Zelensky rep rips Harris for laughter, says it would be ‘tragedy’ if she’s ever president

"Vice President Kamala Harris was slammed Thursday for breaking into inappropriate
laughter after she was asked whether the US will take in Ukrainian refugees — leading Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky’s former press secretary to say it would be a “tragedy” if she ever became president.
The awkward moment took place during a joint press conference with Harris and Polish President Andrzej Duda in Warsaw.
The two leaders had been asked about the US accepting Ukrainian refugees or otherwise easing pressure on Poland’s strained humanitarian resources. When the reporter stopped speaking, Harris and Duda looked at each other as if each expected the other to respond first.
OK,” Harris finally said, drawing a chuckle from Duda and the assembled reporters.
A friend in need is a friend indeed,” the veep added before laughing loudly at her own line. After the merriment died down, Duda confirmed that he had asked Harris to help speed up the consular process so Ukrainian refugees with family in the US could stay with them." NYP

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