Thursday, March 3, 2022

Norwegian Mayor Decries Arms Help to Ukraine

"Sør-Varanger Mayor Lena Bergeng of the Labor Party has decried her country's decision to
send arms to Ukraine amid a Russian special operation there, arguing that her party comrades in parliament should have said no.
"When Norway chose to send weapons to Ukraine, then people started to feel a little scared here. Remember, we are Russia's closest Norwegian neighbor. I haven't experienced the population here having felt this way before", Bergeng told the newspaper Verdens Gang.
Local residents have in recent years enjoyed close cross-border relations with Russians, with trade and services booming – to the point of Kirkenes sometimes being referred to as "Little Russia" due to signs in Cyrillic for Russians' convenience. According to Bergeng, stifled trade would make life difficult for many local inhabitants.
Earlier this week, the Norwegian government decided to donate up to 2,000 M72 anti-tank weapons to Ukraine, as fellow Nordic countries also expressed their desire to help." Sputnik

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