Thursday, March 17, 2022

Pope Francis Warns “Final Catastrophe” Could “Extinguish” Human Race - Says humanity would have to "start from scratch."

"Pope Francis warns that the escalation of the conflict in Ukraine could lead to a “final
” that would “extinguish” the human race.
Speaking during his weekly address, the Pope said humanity would have to “start from scratch” in the event of a thermonuclear war.
Our imagination appears increasingly concentrated on the representation of a final catastrophe that will extinguish us,” said Pope Francis.
What happens with an eventual nuclear war?” he asked.
The ‘day after’ this – if there will still be days and human beings – will have to start again from scratch. Destroying everything to start again from scratch.”
The Pope highlighted how apocalyptic “flood imagery” is “gaining ground in our subconscious,” a reference to the Biblical flood narrative found in the Book of Genesis." InfoWars

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