Monday, March 7, 2022

Putin's invasion grinds to a halt: Kyiv claims to have destroyed dozens of Russian helicopters overnight, retaken a city, and killed 11,000 troops while Russians have captured no significant territory sparking hopes Ukraine could win the war

"Russian forces resumed shelling major Ukrainian cities today, but have captured no
significant territory after a weekend of heavy fighting with Kyiv claiming to have inflicted punishing losses. Thirty
Russian helicopters moved to an airfield near the captured city of Kherson were destroyed overnight, Ukraine's military said, while also claiming to have re-taken the city of Chuhuiv, near Kharkiv, in the early hours - killing Russian commanders Lt. Col. Dmitry Safronov, and Lt Col. Denis Glebov in the process. Kyiv now says more than 11,000 Russian forces have died fighting, losses that experts say are 'slowly becoming unsustainable for Russia'. All of which has sparked hopes - however faint - that the unlikeliest of victories could be on the cards for Ukraine. Asked by the BBC on Sunday whether victory for Putin's men was 'inevitable' - as many had predicted before fighting started - UK general Admiral Sir Tony Radakin replied: 'No.'" DM

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