Monday, March 28, 2022

Reporters Hammer Biden Over Russian 'Regime Change' Comment At Budget Press Briefing

"After unveiling his 2023 budget proposal, the first questions asked of President Biden during Monday's press briefing had nothing to do with the budget, but instead focused on his comments over the weekend about how Russian President Putin "cannot remain in power".
Biden insisted that he "wasn't walking anything back" (of course, he has let his aids and his Secretary of State do that for him), while insisting that his comments wouldn't "escalate" the conflict.
"I was expressing my outrage, he shouldn't remain in power...bad people shouldn't be allowed to continue to do bad things. But that doesn't mean we have the policy to remove him," Biden insisted.
 Fox News' Steve Doocy then pressed Biden about his remarks about boots on the ground in Ukraine, chemical weapons and regime change, asking what it says about the president's credibility that his comments keep getting walked back. Biden responded with outright denial, which probably only served to underscore Doocy's point in the eyes of the public." ZeroHedge

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