Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Russia begins shelling Ukrainian city where thousands of refugees are sheltering after fleeing Mariupol where 500 hostages are being held in a hospital… as Kyiv is rocked by new explosions

"Russian forces have started shelling the southern Ukrainian city of Zaporizhzhia where
thousands of refugees are sheltering after fleeing Mariupol - where 500 hostages are being held in a hospital as human shields.  
The bombardment came hours after an estimated 20,000 civilians arrived in Zaporizhzhia, the first port of call for those fleeing Mariupol along a humanitarian corridor - supposedly safe passages which allow civilians to leave Ukraine
Vladimir Putin's troops launched rocket strikes on the city near overnight, hitting a railway station.
Russian forces in Mariupol have rounded up 400 people from houses neighbouring the city's hospital number two, along with 100 doctors and patients who were already inside, and are refusing to let them leave, according to regional governor Pavlo Kyrylenko. " DailyMail

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