Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Russia Says Military Will Reduce Operations Around Kiev & Chernihiv After Positive Ceasefire Talks

"As the first statements coming off now concluded for the day Russia-Ukraine ceasefire talks
trickle out, both Interfax and Reuters are reporting the potential for a major breakthrough, as Russia's Defense Ministry has said it's seeking to create conditions for dialogue towards halting military activity around the capital of Kiev and major northern city of Chernihiv.
The New York Times suggests this possible overture comes as Russian forces are facing stiff resistance near the capital, as also yesterday Ukraine said it retook the major Kiev suburb of Irpin. "Diplomats from Ukraine and Russia were discussing a possible cease-fire on Tuesday at talks in Turkey, an effort that comes as a Ukrainian counteroffensive pushed back Russian forces in a hard-fought area near Kyiv, the capital," NY Times writes." NYP

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