Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Azov Battalion Claims Video Shows Civilians Underground Who Have Not Seen ‘Sky Nor Sun’ In Weeks

"The controversial Azov Battalion has released a video which it says shows its fighters in
Mariupol, which Russia claims to have “liberated”, underground with sheltering civilians.
Uploaded to the Azov Battalion’s YouTube channel and shared by the National Guard of Ukraine — which incorporates the battalion — on its verified Twitter account, the video purportedly shows Azov fighters distributing supplies to civilians holed up underneath the Azovstal steelworks complex, which remains under Ukrainian control. A girl in the video claimed she and her family had seen “neither the sky, nor the sun” since late February, with Mariupol having come under siege only a short time after the Russian invasion commenced. The city has been a point of interest throughout the conflict, in part because of its status as a stronghold of the Azov Battalion — formerly an unofficial paramilitary force with neo-Nazi links which the mainstream media do not deny, despite general dismissal of the Russian characterisation of their “special military operation” against a Ukraine led by a Jewish president and Jewish prime minister as a “de-Nazification” mission." Breitbart


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