Saturday, April 2, 2022

Gazprom Halts Gas Shipments To Europe Via Critical Pipeline

"After European nations imported the most gas from Russian sources yesterday in months,
scrambling to stock up on supplies as Russian President Vladimir Putin's deadline to either pay for gas in rubles (or be cut off) came and went, Russian gas giant Gazprom has officially halted all deliveries to Europe via the Yamal-Europe pipeline, a critical artery for European energy supplies....and despite President Biden's promise to bolster to exports to the EU (although he stipulated that not all of this additional capacity would come from the US), researchers at Goldman Sachs have already shown that US exports of LNG are already at capacity.
Another problem for pipeline-dependent Europe: the continent presently doesn't have the infrastructure to allow it to rapidly ramp up imports of LNG, which must be carefully processed and "regassified" before it can be distributed to utilities and other distributors of energy." ZH

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