Monday, April 11, 2022

Why the Media’s Moral Panic Around Ukraine Failed to Reboot Biden’s Presidency

"The moment Russia invaded Ukraine, the White House, Democrats, and the corporate media saw an opportunity to gaslight the American people into a reboot of Biden’s presidency. As he continues to hit record lows, the polling for Biden looks as awful as it did pre-Ukraine
As we all saw in the first days of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the goal of Democrats and their corporate media allies was to swamp the news cycle with hysterical, 24/7 stories about this moral outrage. The invasion was deliberately covered in an overwhelming and coordinated flood of “outrage” stories that would knock inflation/crime/illegal immigration/gas prices, etc., out of the news cycle.

Well, for one thing, no amount of manipulative news coverage can blunt the shock of rising prices, most especially gas and food. Inflation is brutalizing people. Inflation is serious and demoralizing.
Secondly, Biden blaming record gas prices on Putin and telling us to go out and buy $50,000 electric cars were as tone deaf as any president has ever been tone deaf." Breitbart

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