Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Iran Releases Video Of IRGC Storming Greek Tankers, Blames US For 'Escalation'

"Iran is insisting that the Greek government use "legal and judicial" to resolve the standoff
over two oil tankers that are now under Iranian military control.
Iranian foreign ministry spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh said in a Monday press conference that ultimately the United States is to blame for the Greek tanker seizure, forcing retaliation and "illegal actions" that ensure escalation, according to Bloomberg. However, he stressed that the some nine total detained Greek crew members, and other international crew, are "in a good condition and in contact with their families." ZH

US Will Not Send Ukraine Rocket Systems That Can Reach Russia

"The United States will not send Ukraine rocket systems that can reach into Russia, President
Joe Biden said on Monday, as Ukraine pushes for longer-range weapons system to help in its fight.
Ukrainian officials have been asking allies for longer-range systems including the Multiple Launch Rocket System, or MLRS, that can fire a barrage of rockets hundreds of miles away.
We’re not going to send to Ukraine rocket systems that strike into Russia,” Biden told reporters after arriving back at the White House after a weekend in Delaware." NEWSMAX

Monday, May 30, 2022

Muscovites to Vote on Pro-War Names for U.S. Embassy Square

"Residents will choose from three potential names for the currently untitled square at the
intersection of Bolshoy Devyatinsky Lane and Konyushkovskaya Ulitsa, where the U.S. embassy is located.
 They are “Defenders of Donbas Square,” “Donetsk People’s Republic Square” and “Hero of Russia Vladimir Artyomovich Zhoga Square,”  in honor of a separatist battalion commander who was killed in combat on March 5." MoscowTimes

Russia's new law to enlist more people into armed forces

"As the Russia-Ukraine war entered its fourth month in May, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a law enabling people over 40 to enlist in the armed forces.
The move is expected to help Moscow to recruit more civilian experts for the war in Ukraine. The Russian army had previously set age limits for national and foreign army recruits. The limit for Russians was 18-40 years while the limit for foreigners was 18-30  years." WION

Lavrov debunks rumors of Putin’s worsening health

"Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has debunked rumors buzzing about Russian President Vladimir Putin’s worsening health on Sunday.
"President Vladimir Putin makes public appearances on a daily basis. You can see him on TV screens, read and listen to his speeches. I don’t think that a sane person can suspect any signs of an illness or ailment in this man," he said." Tass

Food prices in Germany projected to soar

"Prices for food in German grocery stores will keep growing and are set to surge another 10% this year, Germany’s Handelsblatt newspaper reported on Sunday, citing the latest analysis by international insurance company Allianz Trade." RT

EU unity on Russia sanctions ‘crumbling’

"The unity the EU demonstrated after Russia launched its offensive in Ukraine is starting to
“crumble,” German Economy Minister Robert Habeck complained on Sunday. 
The warning comes ahead of the bloc’s summit to discuss a new sanctions package against Moscow and a potential oil embargo.
Earlier this week, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen offered an explanation as to why the EU still continues to buy Russian oil. “If we would completely, immediately, as of today cut off the [Russian] oil, [Russian President Vladimir] Putin might be able to take the oil that he does not sell to the EU to the world market, where the prices will increase, and sell it for more – and that would fill his war chests,” von der Leyen said in an interview with MSNBC." RT

Ukraine and Russia battle in the east, French foreign minister visits Kyiv

"French Foreign Minister Catherine Colonna will meet Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in Kyiv Monday to express France’s solidarity with Ukraine, the ministry said.
 Fighting for control of the Donbas region continues to devastate eastern Ukraine, with Russian forces pressing into Severodonetsk, the largest city still held by Ukrainian forces. 
The nearby city of Lysychansk is under constant bombardment." France24

Former Japan PM: If Zelensky Refused to Join NATO, Gave Donbass Autonomy, There Would Be No Hostilities

"Former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has suggested in an interview with The Economist that the Russian special military operation in Ukraine might have been avoided if Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky had done some of the things that Moscow have been insisting on for years." NW

Sunday, May 29, 2022

Zelensky Signals Donbas Could Soon Fall: "Indescribably Difficult" Russian Onslaught

"Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky gave his most dire assessment to date of the status of Ukraine forces in the eastern Donbas region, where for over at least the last two months Russia has concentrated its forces, following the Feb.24 invasion of the country.
He described conditions there as "indescribably difficult" in what marks a notably pessimistic shift and negative tone for the Ukrainian leader, strongly suggesting the fall of Donbas - or at least whole regions such as Luhansk - could be imminent. He identified several intense ongoing battles in places with a large Russian force presence, including Severodonetsk, Lysychansk, Bakhmut and Popasna. Sievierodonets in particular is scene of fierce up-close street battles.
Ukrainian regional officials reported that Russian forces were "storming" Sievierodonetsk after trying unsuccessfully to encircle the city. The fighting knocked out power and cellphone service, and a humanitarian relief center could not operate because of the danger, the mayor said." ZH

Fighting intensifies in Severodonetsk as Russia claims gains

"Fighting for the eastern Ukrainian city of Severodonetsk continues with Russian forces
conducting assault operations on Saturday, Ukraine's military said on Sunday. Russia’s defence ministry said the railroad centre Lyman had been “completely liberated’’ by a joint force of Russian soldiers and Kremlin-backed separatists." France24

Russia Sends Record Volumes Of Oil To India, China

"While Europe shuns Russian oil amid sanctions and expectations of an oil embargo on
Russian oil imports,
India and China have stepped up purchases and are importing record volumes of Russian crude." ZH

Saturday, May 28, 2022

Israel Launches Devastating Drone Strike on Top-Secret Iran Military Base

"A military strike that utilized quadcopter drones launched from inside Iran hit the top-secret Iranian military base at Parchin. It’s believed the strike targeted Iran’s drone research and development complex and not its missile or nuclear research facilities. No nation has claimed responsibility for the attack, but both Iran and the U.S. say that it fits the pattern of past attacks by Israel. The attack follows an assassination of a colonel in the Revolutionary Guards last week. Analysts believe the Israelis intended it as a warning to Iran to stop targeting Israeli citizens abroad." PJM

Brittney Griner’s Wife Goes On Media Tour Begging Joe Biden To Intervene For Her Release

"America-hating Brittney Griner is nearing one hundred days of a very valuable lesson.
Namely, the country she hates so much isn’t that bad after all.
Griner, imprisoned since February on charges of illicit possession of cannabis products in Russia, faces up to ten years in a foreign prison.
As the months go by and neither hyped-up media coverage nor a meeting with the most forgettable Secretary of State in history, Anthony Blinken, has moved the chains downfield, Cherelle Griner is initiating a full-court press to have Brittney returned home. Appearing on ABC’s Good Morning America, wife Cherelle made a desperate plea to President Joe Biden to have him circumvent Russian law and have her wife brought back to the United States."  TP

Friday, May 27, 2022

In Stunning Shift, WaPo Admits Catastrophic-Conditions, Collapsing-Morale Of Ukraine Front-Line Forces

"Media consumers have been treated to seemingly endless headlines and analysis of Russia's extensive military losses. At the same time Ukrainian forces have tended to be lionized and their battlefield prowess romanticized, with essentially zero public information so far being given which details up-to-date Ukrainian force casualties, set-backs, and equipment losses.
But for the first time The Washington Post is out with a surprisingly dire and negative assessment of how US-backed and equipped Ukrainian forces are actually fairing. Gone is the rosy idealizing lens through which each and every encounter with the Russians is typically portrayed. WaPo correspondent and author of the new report Sudarsan Raghavan underscores of the true situation that "Ukrainian leaders project an image of military invulnerability against Russia. But commanders offer a more realistic portrait of the war, where outgunned volunteers describe being abandoned by their military brass and facing certain death at the front."
The report references a video widely circulating online this week wherein a group the size
of a platoon declares they simply can't fight for lack of weaponry, ammunition, food and proper command support:
“We are being sent to certain death,” said a volunteer, reading from a prepared script, adding that a similar video was filmed by members of the 115th Brigade 1st Battalion. “We are not alone like this, we are many.”
Ukraine’s military rebutted the volunteers’ claims in their own video posted online, saying the “deserters” had everything they needed to fight: “They thought they came for a vacation,” one service member said. “That’s why they left their positions.”
In the wake of the video, the Ukrainian troops featured are being accused of 'desertion'." 

Belarus plans to create people’s militia

 "Belarus plans to create a people’s militia, Belarusian Defense Minister Viktor Khrenin
announced." MT

Thursday, May 26, 2022

Israel Rejects US Request To Transfer Missiles To Ukraine

"Israel has rejected as US request that it transfer advanced anti-tank missiles manufactured in Germany and based on Israeli technology to Ukraine's forces.
The plan was to use Israel as a third party to "allow Berlin to supply Ukraine with anti-tank missiles produced in Germany with Israeli technology under an Israeli license," the report indicates." ZH

Putin 'underwent successful cancer surgery last week', opposition sources say as he's seen awkwardly twisting his feet again in meeting with ally Lukashenko

"Putin underwent 'successful' cancer surgery last week and is recovering, it has been claimed
in just the latest rumour about the Russian leader's health.  
The 69-year-old underwent an unknown procedure late last Monday following advice from medics that treatment was 'essential', according to Telegram channel General SVR which claims to be getting information from inside the Kremlin.
The news emerged just hours before Putin appeared on state TV meeting with ally Alexander Lukashenko in Sochi, when he was caught on camera awkwardly twisting his feet while the pair sat down for talks.... and comes off the back of rumors that he is suffering Parkinson's." DailyMail

‘Go f**k yourselves’, Zelensky aide tells Western officials

"High-profile Ukrainian presidential adviser Alexey Arestovich has resorted to obscene
language to criticize those in the West urging Kiev to cede part of the country’s territory to Russia for the sake of peace.
“Go f**k yourselves with such proposals, you dumb f**ks, to trade Ukrainian territory a little bit! Are you f**king crazy? Our children are dying, soldiers are stopping shells with their own bodies, and they are telling us how to sacrifice our territories. This will never happen,” he insisted in an interview on Wednesday." RT

Ukraine admits major defeat

"Russian troops have taken over the town of Liman in the northern Donetsk region, the
government in Kiev revealed, on Thursday evening. Ukrainian forces have reportedly withdrawn west-southwest towards Slavyansk.
“We have lost the town of Liman,” Alexey Arestovich, a key adviser to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, admitted in a livestream on Thursday." RT

Russian Village Near Ukraine Border Asks Putin for ‘Protection’

"Residents of a Russian village near the border with Ukraine have launched a petition calling
on President Vladimir Putin to provide better protection against an increased number of cross-border attacks. 
About 2 kilometers from Ukraine, the Kursk region village of Tyotkino has been repeatedly targeted by shelling.
The latest shelling attack in Russia’s border area was reported Wednesday in the Belgorod region village of Zhuravlevka during which a local resident was badly wounded.
A truck driver making a delivery to a distillery in Tyotkino, which has about 3,200 residents, was killed in shelling last week — the second civilian death inside Russia since the start of the invasion. The incident was the third attack on Tyotkino in 48 hours." MT

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Ukrainian Flags Hung Upside Down at International Arms Aid Meeting

"Pentagon chiefs have made a major blunder by hoisting a row of Ukrainian flags the wrong
way up at a military aid meeting.
US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and Joint Chiefs of Staff chairperson Mark Milley hosted an online meeting with counterparts from 44 countries on Monday in their latest bid to drum up more donations of equipment for the rapidly-collapsing Ukrainian army." Sputnik

Pakistan deploys army against ex-PM

"The government of Pakistan authorized the deployment of the military to protect its
headquarters in Islamabad in the early hours of Thursday, as thousands of protesters loyal to the former PM Imran Khan took to the streets. Khan marched on the capital on Wednesday to demand the “imported government” call early elections.
Interior Minister Rana Sanaullah tweeted out that the army will be deployed to protect “important government buildings” under Article 245 of the Pakistani Constitution." RT

China Says Philippine Sea Drills Were 'Stern Warning' Against US Support for 'Taiwan Independence'

"The Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) has conducted a series of maritime and aerial
drills in the seas surrounding Taiwan in recent weeks, including deployment of its largest-ever carrier battle group and a joint bomber patrol with the Russian Air Force.
Beijing has warned that the drills were intended as a “stern warning against the recent collusion activities between the US and the ‘Taiwan independence’ secessionist forces." Sputnik

DPR Army Enters Kherson, Zaporozhye, Kharkov Regions

"Russian armed forces and militias from the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics (DPR
and LPR) continue to advance, pushing Ukrainian forces back from the region.
Recently, the Russian military, during its special operation to demilitarise Ukraine, took control of the Kherson Region - in the south of the country - and part of the Zaporozhye Region." Sputnik

Zelensky Rejects Kissinger Concession Comments

"Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky in remarks asserted that his country will hold no
talks or negotiations with Russia until its forces pull back to their pre-war positions. It's but the latest clear signal that there likely won't be any negotiated settlement on the horizon, also as US defense officials have recently been predicting a protracted, possibly even "years-long" conflict....... all of this comes on the heels of veteran US statesman Henry Kissinger's own controversial Davos remarks advising that Ukraine must be willing to cede territory or risk a broader Russia-NATO war that spreads beyond Ukraine's borders." ZH

U.S. Poised to Force Russian Debt Default

"The U.S. will close the last avenue for Russia to pay its billions in debt back to international
investors on Wednesday, making a Russian default on its debts for the first time since the Bolshevik Revolution all but inevitable.
The Treasury Department said in a notification that does not plan to renew the license to allow Russia to keep paying its debtholders through American banks." Breitbart

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Russian and Chinese military planes conduct joint flyover

"Russia and China conducted joint air patrols in the Asia-Pacific region on Tuesday, the
Russian Defense Ministry has revealed, as Japan and South Korea expressed concerns regarding the flights.
The Russian ministry said in a statement that Russian Tu-95 strategic missile carriers and Chinese Xian H-6 strategic bombers participated in air patrols held over the Sea of Japan and the East China Sea. The bombers were escorted by Su-30SM fighter jets." RT

Wuhan Bio Lab Carried Out Gain Of Function Research On Monkeypox Virus

"The Wuhan bio lab that was the center of controversy surrounding gain of function research
on coronaviruses appears to have been carrying out the same kind of research on monkeypox, to make it more lethal to humans, according to a report citing the peer reviewed journal Virologica Sinica which published the lab’s findings in February." SummitNews

Analyst Warns World Has Just 'Ten Weeks' Of Wheat Supplies Left In Storage

"A food insecurity expert said the world has only about 10 weeks of wheat supplies left in
storage amid the conflict in Ukraine and as India has moved to bar exports of wheat in recent weeks.

Sara Menker, the CEO of agriculture analytics firm Gro Intelligence, told the United Nations Security Council that the RussiaUkraine war “simply added fuel to a fire that was long burning,” saying that it is not the primary cause of the wheat shortage. Ukraine and Russia both produce close to about a third of the world’s wheat.
“I want to start by explicitly saying that the RussiaUkraine war did not start the food security crisis. It simply added fuel to a fire that was long burning. A crisis we detected tremors from long before the COVID 19 pandemic exposed the fragility of our supply chains,” Menker said, according to a transcript.
“I share this because we believe it’s important for you all to understand that even if the war were to end tomorrow, our food security problem isn’t going away anytime soon without concerted action.”
In providing data, Menker said that due to price increases in major crops this year, it’s made another 400 million worldwide “food insecure,” adding that with wheat, the world “currently only [has] 10 weeks of global consumption sitting in inventory around the world." ZH

War Enters 'Most Active Phase' As Russia Encircles Ukraine Troops In East

"Ukraine said Tuesday that Russia’s military campaign has "entered its most active phase,"
according to the words of Defense Ministry spokesman Oleksandr Motuzyanyk.
"Three months after invading Ukraine, Russian forces are trying to encircle Ukrainian troops in twin cities straddling the Siverskyi Donets River in eastern Ukraine," he described. Further as Reuters reports, "Motuzyanyk said Russian forces had not given up attempts to cross the river." The area referenced is in and around the vicinity of the city of Sievierodonetsk and represents the last major Ukrainian stronghold in the eastern Lugansk province. Alongside Lysychansk on the opposite bank, this section of the river is where the most pivotal battle is now taking place." ZeroHedge

Henry Kissinger tells Ukraine it should give Russia territory to try to find a peace deal

"Henry Kissinger has said that the West should stop trying to inflict a crushing defeat on
Russia and suggested that Ukraine should give upterritory.
Former US secretary of state Mr Kissinger, 98, told the World Economic Forum held in Davos, Switzerland that Ukraine must begin negotiations ‘before it creates upheavals and tensions that will not be easily overcome’." NewsWars

Monday, May 23, 2022

Ukraine rules out ceasefire or any territorial concessions to Russia

"As the Russia-Ukraine war continues to escalate, Kyiv has refused to agree to a ceasefire deal with Moscow that involves giving up territory. As per the latest report from ground zero, Russia has increased the attacks in the eastern and southern parts of the country. It has been understood that Russia is pounding the Donbas and Mykolaiv regions with airstrikes and artillery fire. 
Andriy Yermak, who is Ukraine's presidential chief of staff, said in a Twitter post on Sunday: "The war must end with the complete restoration of Ukraine's territorial integrity and sovereignty." 
Mykhailo Podolyak who is Ukraine's lead negotiator and Zelensky adviser also ruled out any territorial concessions." WION

Starbucks to exit Russia

"American coffee chain Starbucks said on Monday that it was pulling out of Russia and would no longer have a brand presence in the country.
According to the company's memo to employees, it will close its 130 stores in Russia." RT

U.S. may boost Ukraine’s defense with Harpoon missiles

"The U.S. is reportedly planning to supply Ukraine with anti-ship missiles to break the
Russian blockade off the coast of Odessa. Harpoon anti-ship missile appears in mind when the rumors surfaced, however, it’s not the only option." NavalNews

Scientists baffled by monkeypox cases in Europe, US

"Scientists who have monitored numerous outbreaks of monkeypox in Africa say they are
baffled by the disease’s recent spread in Europe and North America.
I’m stunned by this. Every day I wake up and there are more countries infected,” said Oyewale Tomori, a virologist who formerly headed the Nigerian Academy of Science and who sits on several WHO advisory boards.
This is not the kind of spread we’ve seen in West Africa, so there may be something new happening in the West,” he said." Breitbart

Biden Vows US To Respond Militarily If China Attacks Taiwan, White House Walks Back

"You didn't want to get involved in the Ukraine conflict militarily for obvious reasons. Are you
willing to get involved militarily to defend Taiwan if it comes to that
?" a reporter asked Biden during a news conference. "Yes," Biden replied.
The somewhat incredulous reporter, upon hearing blunt and perhaps unexpected answer in the affirmative pressed further, "You are?"
"That's the commitment we made," the president said.
 Naturally, the White House quickly scrambled to try and walk back the president's clear affirmation that he would send a US military force against nuclear-armed superpower China in the event of an invasion. A statement said that the US policy "has not changed." ZeroHedge

Sunday, May 22, 2022

Belarus accuses Ukrainian military of border raids

"Belarus has observed increased activity of the Ukrainian military along the countries’ shared
border, Belarusian Security Council chief Alexander Volfovich claimed on Sunday. Ukrainian troops have amassed at several locations along the frontier, with some saboteur groups entering the territory of Belarus, according to the official.
“Engineering works are ongoing along the Ukraine-Belarus border – the placing of landmines and creation of barricades. Saboteur and reconnaissance groups are active, they also infiltrate Belarusian territory,” Volfovich told the Belarus-1 TV channel." RT

Belgium Begins Monkeypox Quarantines

"Belgium has become the first country to introduce a mandatory 21-day monkeypox quarantine for those who contact the virus, after three cases were recorded in the country. The infections were all linked to a festival in the port city of Antwerp." ZeroHedge

Energodar mayor, his two guards suffer wounds in explosion

"Energodar Mayor Andrey Shevchik and his two guards were wounded in an explosion
suffered wounds in an explosion in the entrance way of his house today,
" the person said. "A homemade explosive device was planted inside an electric wiring box in the entrance way."
The law enforcer said Shevchik had repeatedly received threats from Ukraine. The blast detonated as the mayor entered his apartment building." Tass
 Enerhodar is a city and municipality in the north-western part of Zaporizhzhia Oblast in Ukraine, currently under the control of the Russian Armed Forces.

Six Ukrainian Troops Die in Attempt to Detonate Weapon Depots at Azovstal

"Six Ukrainain servicemen were killed on the territory of the Azovstal Plant in Mariupol when
they tried to blow up their ammunition caches before surrendering." Tass


Top Putin Aide Predicts “Global Famine” by the End of This Year

"A top aide to Vladimir Putin has predicted a “global famine” that will occur before the end of
the year as a result of worldwide grain shortages caused by the war in Ukraine.
Maksim Oreshkin asserts that the United States’ attempt to takeover Ukraine’s grain reserves is going to lead to a humanitarian disaster.
It is important that in the conditions, for example, of a global famine that will occur closer to autumn, by the end of this year all over the world, Russia should not suffer, but be fully provided with food,” Oreshkin said." SummitNews

Russia intensifies push for Donbas

"Russia is waging what appears to be a major offensive in Luhansk, one of two provinces in
Russian-backed separatists already controlled swathes of territory in Luhansk and the neighboring Donetsk province before the February 24 invasion, but Moscow wants to seize the last remaining Ukrainian-held territory in Donbas." France24

Saturday, May 21, 2022

Russian defence ministry says destroyed Western weapons sent to Ukraine using Kalibr cruise missiles

"The Russian defence ministry said that the armed forces have destroyed a large shipment of  weapons in northwestern Ukraine using long-range missiles. 
 The weapons included artillery, anti-aircraft missiles, anti-tank weapons, etc. Russia has often warned the West over arms supplies to Ukraine." WION

Russia Halts Finland’s Gas Supply

"Precisely a week after Russia cut electricity supplies to Finland over non-payment (in rubles),
Moscow has made its first explicitly retaliatory move over its Nordic neighbor’s application to NATO with an announcement to cut off natural gas." IW

Friday, May 20, 2022

Russian and US top generals hold talks

"Russian Chief of General Staff Valery Gerasimov and chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley held a rare series of phone calls on Thursday." RT

Russians Launch Flashmob to Thank Foreigners for Support of Fight Against Neo-Nazism in Ukraine

"A virtual flashmob has been launched in Russia expressing gratitude to people from other countries for their support of the Russia-led fight against neo-Nazism in Ukraine.
 Flashmob participants urge people to stick together, no matter what politicians do to try to divide them." Sputnik

Thursday, May 19, 2022


"The Senate on Thursday passed legislation to give $40 billion to Ukraine in economic and
military aid, while Americans suffer from food shortages and inflation. The Senate voted on H.R. 7691, the Ukraine Supplemental Aid Package, which passed 86-11. 
 The Senate did not vote on Paul’s proposed amendment to have an inspector general ensure the billions were spent wisely." Breitbart

Screenshots: US & Ukraine Nazis Have Secret Telegram Chat

"The Nazis of Ukraine, the United States and other countries have a private chat in Telegram,
ex-Lieutenant Colonel of the Ukrainian Security Service (SBU) Vasily Prozorov told Sputnik.
According to Prozorov, an American Nazi, Kent McLellan (nickname Bone Face), is in the chat, and his main point is that Azov is not fighting for either Zelensky, NATO, or the EU, it is "not so much a regiment as it is the idea of a neo-Nazi 'revival' of Ukraine."
McLellan is a member of the US National Socialist Movement (NSM) and has his own Telegram channel. According to Prozorov, he served as a recruiter for Azov from 2016 to 2021.
Moreover, the chat administrator reportedly posted a poll asking who readers support in the war, with 1% voting for Ukraine, and 42% voting for "National Socialist Ukraine." Sputnik

US to send additional military aid of $100 million to help Ukraine

"In sending this military aid to Ukraine, Biden is using his Presidential Drawdown Authority
(PDA) for the tenth time. The aid would account for the $100 million, which is remaining in the PDA funding." WION