Saturday, May 28, 2022

Brittney Griner’s Wife Goes On Media Tour Begging Joe Biden To Intervene For Her Release

"America-hating Brittney Griner is nearing one hundred days of a very valuable lesson.
Namely, the country she hates so much isn’t that bad after all.
Griner, imprisoned since February on charges of illicit possession of cannabis products in Russia, faces up to ten years in a foreign prison.
As the months go by and neither hyped-up media coverage nor a meeting with the most forgettable Secretary of State in history, Anthony Blinken, has moved the chains downfield, Cherelle Griner is initiating a full-court press to have Brittney returned home. Appearing on ABC’s Good Morning America, wife Cherelle made a desperate plea to President Joe Biden to have him circumvent Russian law and have her wife brought back to the United States."  TP

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