Saturday, May 7, 2022

Military Drafts Loom Over Europe Thanks to Russia

"International tensions empower politicians seeking to force the unwilling into government
Europe’s first war between more-or-less peer powers in over 70 years upsets a lot of assumptions. .... But renewed fears also offer governments that fear international dangers or just want an excuse to regiment their societies an opportunity to revive the unfortunate and previously fading practice of conscription. “The Russian attempt to subjugate Ukraine has catapulted the world back a good 30 to 40 years to the Cold War era when highly armed military blocs faced off against each other in the middle of Europe,” Deutsche Welle’s Bernd Riegert wrote in March. “Germany and other states could find themselves forced to reintroduce conscription if they want to train enough personnel and reservists to build up an effective deterrent.” Wolfgang Hellmich, a lawmaker and member of the defense committee from Germany’s ruling Social Democratic Party called for just that."

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