Saturday, May 14, 2022

Putin rumored to have fired another top Russian general as Ukraine invasion flounders

"Speculation is swirling that Russian President Vladimir Putin has sacked his top commander
in what is the latest rumored dismissal amid his floundering invasion into Ukraine.
Oleksiy Arestovych, a presidential adviser, said in an interview with Russian dissident lawyer Mark Feygin on Wednesday that “preliminary information” indicated that Valery Gerasimov, chief of the Russian General Staff, had been fired.
The rumors come after reports over the past month that other leaders of the failed invasion have also been sidelined, including the Commander of the Black Sea Fleet, Admiral Igor Osipov.
Several Russian Army commanders are also rumored to have been dismissed including Lieutenant General Vladislav Ershov, Lieutenant General Sergei Kisel, and Major General Arkady Marzoev." NYP

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