Wednesday, June 15, 2022

China Slams Washington Post as ‘Pathetic’ and ‘False’ for Publishing Zelensky Taiwan Comments

"Washington Post reporter Josh Rogin asked Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky  to
advise Taiwan on how it could “stand strong as China seeks to impose its control over a free people, by force if necessary.”
The Chinese Foreign Ministry’s initial response was arrogant and restrained, but on Monday, the state-run Global Times erupted in a hysterical rant against Rogin for asking the question and daring to write about Zelensky’s answer.
The Ukrainian president advised the world to learn from its mistakes in Ukraine and take stronger pre-emptive diplomatic measures to stave off another attempted military conquest. The Global Times attacked Rogin for daring to presume Zelensky answered a direct question about China and Taiwan by referring to China and Taiwan." Breitbart

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