Monday, August 29, 2022

Iraq Presidential Palace Stormed, U.S. Embassy Helicopter Evacuation

"The Iraq presidential palace was stormed by angry protestors on Monday, while the U.S.
Embassy was evacuated by helicopter in a scene reminiscent of the last days of South Vietnam.
Initial reports are that the helicopters were ordered in and the staff ordered out when rioters breached the Zone. I also saw a report that one person had been shot and killed, but no clue whether they were American, American staff, or a rioter.
That’s pretty much all we know so far about the situation at the embassy.
This marks the Biden Administration’s second humiliating bugout from an Islamic country in just over a year. 13 Americans were killed in Kabul during Biden’s botched retreat from Afghanistan on August 17. Untold hundreds of Americans and thousands of our allies remain stranded there." PJM

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