Thursday, August 11, 2022

Russia's Saki Air Base Blew Up and No One Knows How

"Russia’s Saki Air Base, safely tucked away 120 miles or more behind the front lines, lost as
many as 10 warplanes and various buildings in a series of explosions— but how it happened remains a mystery.
Massive explosions rocked the airfield, home to aircraft from the Russian Navy’s 43rd Independent Naval Attack Aviation Regiment. The smoke could be seen from miles away. Satellite photos show that Russia lost at least half a dozen aircraft, including top-line Su-30 Flanker fighters and older Su-24 Fencer fighter/bombers.
Saki (sometimes spelled Saky) was thought to be unreachable by Ukraine’s missile forces, and it’s certainly too far behind the lines to get hit by Ukraine’s artillery." PJMedia

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