Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Turkey Strikes Northern Syria, Killing At Least 17, As Cross-Border Offensive Looms

 "Heavy fighting between Kurdish YPG and Turkish forces along the Syrian border town of Kobane, at a moment
Turkish President Erdogan's planned large scale cross-border offensive looms. Already there are Turkish media reports claiming that a Turkish military convoy has entered Jarablus, northern Syria - with unverified social media photos circulating that purport to show convoys amassing.
Turkish shelling of Syrian Kurdish positions has reportedly killed and wounded civilians including a 14-year old child. And a series of airstrikes have hit Syrian government border posts, killing 17. However, it's unclear how many among these were Syrian national troops, Kurdish militia fighters, or pro-government militia members who fight alongside the army.
A Syrian government statement said meanwhile that "Any attack on a military outpost run by our armed forces will be met with a direct and immediate response on all fronts," according to state-run SANA." ZeroHedge

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