Friday, February 17, 2023

US Deliberately Hushing Up Recent Train Wreck in Ohio, Moscow Says

"The United States is deliberately hushing up the recent derailment of a freight train in Ohio that resulted in the leakage of toxic chemicals, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said....
The spokeswoman added that the Biden administration is now using every method to avoid getting hit by informational attacks on the issue of the disaster.
On February 3, a freight train carrying hazardous cargo derailed in Ohio. The derailment led to a subsequent fire and an explosion. Toxic substances were released into the atmosphere as a result of the incident. Three days after the derailment, authorities burned vinyl chloride inside five tanker cars, which released hydrogen chloride and phosgene, according to media reports. ....local media reported that around 3,500 fish have died in waterways near the derailment and several residents have complained about feeling nauseous and experiencing headaches after toxic chemicals were released into the air." Sputnik

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