Friday, May 12, 2023

Leaked Emails Show Biden Administration Protected China During Spy Balloon-gate

"A recent report from Reuters alleges that Secretary of State Antony Blinken, who has already been implicated in several scandals, was purportedly prioritizing the interests of the Chinese Communist Party. The report, supported by leaked emails and inside sources, proves what many on the right feared all along: Joe Biden was far more concerned about not offending China than our national security.
When an alleged Chinese spy balloon traversed the United States in February, some U.S. officials were confident the incursion would galvanize the U.S. bureaucracy to push forward a slate of actions to counter China,” reports Reuters. “Instead, the U.S. State Department held back human rights-related sanctions, export controls and other sensitive actions to try to limit damage to the U.S.-China relationship, according to four sources with direct knowledge of U.S. policy, as well as internal emails seen by Reuters.
Despite the State Department’s expression of dissatisfaction regarding the spy balloon incident, which led to the postponement of Blinken’s intended visit to Beijing, an internal communication within the State Department, examined by Reuters, reveals that senior U.S. officials deliberately delayed planned measures against China." PJM

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