Friday, June 30, 2023

Why a Siberian Shaman Is a Thorn in the Kremlin's Side

"Alexander Gabyshev, a self-styled shaman from Russia’s Far East, has been held in
compulsory psychiatric treatment since 2019, after he set out on a cross-country trek to Moscow with the goal of peacefully expelling
President Vladimir Putin from power and “restoring democracy” to Russia by performing a shamanic ritual on Red Square.
On Monday, a court in Russia’s Far East ordered to transfer him from a neuropsychiatric dispensary to a general psychiatric hospital in Yakutsk, where he will undergo a “milder” form of treatment.
Russia’s Memorial human rights organization has declared Gabyshev to be a political prisoner.
The Free Yakutia Foundation, an anti-war movement in Gabyshev’s home republic of Sakha, has penned this op-ed on how Gabyshev’s message was able to resonate with so many ordinary Russians." MT

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