Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Uprising Against US-Backed Forces In Syria Leaves Many Killed

"There's been a rare armed uprising in a region of Syria currently occupied by American forces, which has resulted in dead and wounded. Regional reports have tallied at least 13 to as many as 25 people, both militants and civilians, have been killed.
It happened in Deir Ezzor province, which for years has had some 1,000 or more US
soldiers occupying what is
Syria's only oil and gas rich province. The US has trained and supported Kurkish-led "Syrian Democratic Forces" ...The clashes first broke out a day after the US-backed, Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) detained the commander and several members of the Deir Az Zor Military Council, a group that had been allied with the SDF, at a meeting they invited them to in the northeastern city of Hassakeh. Much of the Arab component of the US-backed forces in the region has long been in tension with the area's Kurdish leadership. The Syrian Kurds dominate the SDF, while the Arabs tend to be made up of remnant "Free Syrian Army" factions. While Washington has long sought to present the SDF as a broad coalition of anti-Assad "opposition" fighters, the reality is that the Kurds and their interests totally dominate.
There's also the possibility that pro-Assad forces are covertly encouraging the Arab tribes to rise up and throw off the American occupation. For years, the Pentagon's chief enemy in the region has been 'pro-Iran' and Shia aligned forces, but if there's a broader push to overthrow the US occupation from the Arab tribes." ZH

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