Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Wagner's Prigozhin Presumed Dead After His Business Jet With 10 People On Board 'Crashes'

"The internet has exploded with an avalanche breaking reports that
Wagner chief Yvgeny
Prigozhin’s business jet has crashed over
Russia's Tver region, northwest of Moscow.
Unconfirmed reports say anywhere from seven to ten people were on board, all presumed dead - but it was initially unclear if Prigozhin himself was on board at the time. Russian media sources are now confirming that he was on board the downed plane, and is presumed dead.
This has led to immediate speculation that the private plane could have been shot down upon Putin's orders (or people in the military command placed a bomb?... or a sophisticated Western intel op?).
The Kremlin has quickly issued confirmation that the aircraft did indeed belong to the controversial Wagner leader who led a mutiny against the defense ministry June 23-24. Per official news wires out of Russia." ZeroHedge

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