Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Ukraine’s Transgender Spokesperson Suspended by Military

"Ukrainian military has announced that it has suspended controversial transgender
spokesperson Sarah Ashton-Cirillo for allegedly making unapproved statements on social media; however, there have been no updates from the
Ukrainians or the Biden administration on the fate of an American citizen journalist currently imprisoned in Ukraine......Ohio Republican Sen. J.D. Vance wrote this week to top Biden administration officials demanding information on the American citizen after Ashton-Cirillo posted a video on social media declaring that Ukraine was planning to “hunt down” alleged Russian propagandists.
Following the publication of the contents of the letter by Breitbart, Ashton-Cirillo took to social media again, this time claiming that people who supposedly espouse narratives perceived as being pro-
Russian were not entitled to be called journalists, and therefore were undeserving of free speech protections and should be tried as war criminals....the U.S. State Department confirmed that the American government is aware that a citizen journalist, known as Gonzalo Lira, is currently in prison in Ukraine. ...Sen. J.D. Vance remarked on Ashton-Cirillo’s suspension: “No American dollar should flow to someone threatening violence against people for exercising their free speech rights. So I’m glad Ukraine parted ways with this spokesman." Breitbart

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