Friday, October 20, 2023

Biden Uses Dead Jews to Pitch More Ukraine Funding-- Potus Shills for Military-Industrial Complex from Oval Office-- Meanwhile: Americans Still Hostage

"Biden gave a rare Oval Office address Thursday night that began with a clear condemnation
Hamas terror, but quickly shifted focus to cynical politicking and narrative setting, even while Americans are still being held hostage. He tried to connected Israel and Ukraine in order to suggest to Americans that if you support Israel’s war for its own survival, you must also support limitless taxpayer resources being sent to Ukraine – after those funds make a pit stop in the bank accounts of U.S. defense contractors, of course.
He ended up saying nothing newsworthy about Israel or Hamas, yet he revived the Ukraine funding discussion.
Yes, duplicitous Joe used dead Jews as an excuse to give a speech about Ukraine funding — from the Oval Office, no less. Joe wants his Ukraine agenda to continue to get funding. His base really likes sending stuff to Ukraine. And he needs his base happy if he wants to get reelected.
His ultimate goal appears to be to tie funding for Israel to funding for Ukraine in subsequent spending packages....a supplemental spending request to Congress that will include:
$14 billion for Israel
$60 billion for Ukraine
$10 billion for humanitarian aid
$7 billion for Indo-Pacific." Breitbart

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