Monday, October 16, 2023

"Islamist Terrorist Attack" In Brussels; Shooter Still At Large

"An unidentified shooter killed two people near the center of Brussels in what Belgian
officials condemned as a ‘terrorist attack’, prompting the country to raise its terror threat level to 4, the highest since 2016.
Media and social media platforms aired amateur videos showing a man shooting several times near a station using a large weapon, with the gunman, who claimed to belong to the IS (Islamic State), said to be on the run. As the events unfolded, Sweden was playing Belgium in a Euro 2024 qualifying match at the national King Baudouin Stadium in northern Brussels.
French President Emmanuel Macron said that Europe had been "shaken" by a "terrorist attack" in Brussels, after two Swedes were killed in a shooting. Belgium's crisis center has raised Brussels' terror alert status to its highest level, and France was tightening controls at its border with Belgium, France’s interior minister, Gérald Darmanin." Euroriv

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