Thursday, October 19, 2023

Media Spread Hamas Hospital Hoax to Create More Violence

Evil.” “Corrupt.” “Wicked.” “Dishonest.” Many words accurately describe the corporate
media. Two words no one can use are “stupid” or “gullible.”
Oh, the stupid corporate media fell for the
Hamas lies about Israel bombing a hospital.
No one with an IQ over 50 is “gullible” or “stupid” enough to fall for something that comes from the mouth of
Hamas, of godless terrorists who less than two weeks ago committed the cold-blooded slaughter of nearly 1,500 innocent Israeli civilians.
No one in the corporate media — and I do mean no one — believed the same people who, less than two weeks ago, shot the heads off of babies, executed a massacre at a peace festival, raped women, desecrated corpses, and killed parents in front of their young children.
Violence equals ratings, which equals profits. Better still, violence furthers the far-left Cause. The Gaza Hospital Hoax was what the media call a two-fer." Breitbart

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