"Western allies may need to enact “a form of conscription” to grow their militaries, a top NATO admiral suggested amid widening misgivings about Russia’s replacement of soldiers and equipment lost during the war in Ukraine.“It is a societal problem to be solved by society,” Dutch Adm. Rob Bauer, who heads the NATO Military Committee, said during the Warsaw Security Forum, “and if you cannot find enough people that voluntarily want to join the armed forces, you have to most likely think about other means of getting the people — a form of conscription, mobilization, reservists — like in Finland, where there's still conscription.”
U.S. military recruiters have fallen short of their targets in recent years, in parallel to a war in Ukraine that has exposed severe shortfalls in the ability of Western companies to produce arms and ammunition at a scale needed to deter or fight wars against Russia or China. Those dynamics make for a dangerous combination, Western officials fear, as Russian President Vladimir Putin is racing to expand Russia’s military in response to its struggles during the war in Ukraine." WashingtonPost
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