Wednesday, October 11, 2023

The Russians "are counting on a blitzkrieg". They attacked from three sides

" of the toughest days in the Avdiivka region. The situation near Donetsk is very
difficult. "
The enemy has moved columns filled with airborne troops. Hundreds of infantrymen landed, accompanied by artillery and aviation" - we read in the reports. "The Russians are counting on a blitzkrieg" - writes DeepState. ISW warns that operations near Avdiivka "are significant" and aim to "encircle a group of Ukrainian soldiers in the city". The columns moved from Krasnohorivki, Nowoseliwki Drugoi, Vodyanyi, Pisky, and Vesely.....the new offensive coincides with other local operations in the Lugansk region and the eastern part of the Zaporozhye region, whose aim is "to prevent the movement of Ukrainian forces to key front-line regions." MS

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