Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Top Zelenskyy Adviser Admits the Truth About Corruption in Ukraine: 'People Are Stealing Like There's No Tomorrow'

"Pople at the highest levels of Ukraine’s government are lining their pockets with cash as U.S. taxpayers prepare to fund yet another year of that nation's war against Russia, an adviser to
Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky said.
Time magazine published a lengthy story about reporter Simon Shuster's recent visit to the war-torn country..... people at the top are “stealing” like there is no tomorrow and Ukraine's president faces pressure to root out corruption as its allies continue to give the country everything it asks for.
The reporter also spoke to an adviser who said that in spite of some internal housecleaning in the Zelensky Cabinet, theft is rampant. “But when I made this point to a top presidential adviser in early October, he asked me to turn off my audio recorder so he could speak more freely. ‘Simon, you’re mistaken,’ he says. ‘People are stealing like there’s no tomorrow.'" the adviser told Shuster that people behind the corruption did not “feel any fear” about facing consequences for misusing government funds as Ukraine relies on international aid." BNN

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