Friday, November 10, 2023

‘Aliens,’ or a foreign power? Pentagon UFO chief says someone is in our backyard

"This week, the director of the U.S. government’s UFO analysis office stated that there is
evidence” of concerning unidentified flying object activity “in our backyard.” According to physicist Seán Kirkpatrick, who heads the congressionally-mandated All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office, this alarming
UFO activity can be attributed to one of two extraordinary sources: either a foreign power or “aliens.” Kirkpatrick and senior defense officials have ruled out the possibility that secret U.S. programs or experimental aircraft explain the phenomena.
While suspicious UFO cases will “continue to be investigated” for foreign links, the facts at hand appear to support Kirkpatrick’s more startling explanation for the UFO activity in America’s backyard: “aliens.” TheHill

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