Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Are the Russians planning something? Bombers moved to one location

"The Air and Space Forces of the Russian Federation have been observed amassing long-range 
strategic bombers at the Engels Air Base in the Saratov Region. Using radar satellite images from November 13, the Bulgarian Military portal reports about the additional movements at the Engels air base. The strategic bomber Tu-95 MS, is a significant weapon in the Russian arsenal. Known as "bears," their value comes from their extraordinary range that exceeds 6,213.7 miles and their capacity to carry loads up to 22 tons. This heavy payload ability allows the Tu-95 MS to effortlessly transport missiles and bombs, including nuclear warheads, on intercontinental flights. These bombers' maximum altitude is nearly 39,370.1 feet, and they can reach speeds of approximately 516 mph." MS

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