"The colossal, cryovolcanic "devil comet," three times larger than Mount Everest, has experienced yet another explosive event as it makes its way toward Earth. The comet, also known as 12P/Pons-Brooks, earned its nickname after two devil-like horns appeared during previous outbursts. 12P/Pons-Brooks exploded for the fourth time. Experts say the comet released the largest outburst yet, abruptly brightening by more than 100 times.
According to experts, the devil comet became as bright as the Elliptical Galaxy - which is located 600 million light years from Earth. This "cold volcano" comet, approximately 18 miles in diameter, is notorious for its violent ejections of ice and gas. This activity created the trail that resembled devil horns, making it a fascinating spectacle in space. Currently, the devil comet is hurtling towards the sun at over 40,000 miles per hour. This speed is expected to increase to over 100,000 miles per hour as it approaches its perihelion." Earth
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