Monday, November 6, 2023

West Coast Pro-Palestinian Protesters Blockade Ports; Call for ‘Intifada,’

"About 100 pro-Palestinian protesters blockaded the port of Tacoma, Washington, on Monday morning in an effort to stop the passage of a ship they say is bound for Israel with U.S.-supplied weapons for the fight against the Palestinian terror group Hamas.
The demonstration is a continuation of efforts in Oakland over the weekend that saw anti-
activists attempting to scale the ship, the Cape Orlando, and several arrests. Elsewhere in the Bay Area, thousands of anti-Israel protesters marched in San Francisco to demand a ceasefire in the war, which Hamas started on October 7 in a terror attack that killed over 1,400 people in Israel, most of them civilians. They carried genocidal signs that called for the elimination of Israel — “from the river to the sea” — and shouted Islamic fundamentalist slogans such as “Allahu Akbar.” In Los Angeles, hundreds of pro-Palestinian demonstrators marched outside the Israeli consulate demanding a ceasefire in Gaza and waving signs with slogans such as, “Is (not) Rael”. Students in Seattle, Washington, held a protest last month, where they chanted, “There is only one solution. Intifada Revolution.” Breitbart

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