Saturday, December 2, 2023

Israeli AI 'Assassination Factory' Plays Central Role In Gaza War

"Tel Aviv has been relying on an AI Program dubbed "the Gospel" to select targets in Gaza at a rapid pace. In past operations in Gaza, the IDF ran out of targets to strike in the besieged enclave.
A statement on the IDF website says the Israeli military is using the Gospel to "produce targets at a fast pace." It continues, "Through the rapid and automatic extraction of intelligence," the Gospel produced targeting recommendations for its researchers "with the goal of a complete match between the recommendation of the machine and the identification carried out by a person." Thursday, the Israeli outlet +972 Magazine reported Tel Aviv was using AI to pick targets in Gaza. A former Israeli official told the +972 that the Gospel was being used as a “mass assassination factory.” The program is selecting the home of suspected low-level Hamas members for destruction." ZH

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