Friday, December 8, 2023

Ukrainian soldier sentenced to 15 years on treason charges

"The message noted that the traitor was also stripped of his military rank.
A former employee of Ukraine's SBU security service, he did not report to duty without valid reasons under the conditions of martial law on Feb. 24, 2022, according to the investigation.
He violated his military oath and defected to the enemy. When the village of Nova Basan in Chernihiv Oblast was captured by Russian troops in early 2022, the man was at home after a sick leave. Instead of returning to his place of service in Kyiv, he willingly aided and abetted the enemy.
According to the prosecution, the traitor carried out the orders of Russian commanders, accommodated them in his apartment, cooked for them, and, together with the occupiers, robbed local residents.
The SBU noted that he also participated in the looting of goods from a local store and patrolled the settlement with a weapon." NVU

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