Tuesday, December 19, 2023

US Army Facing 'TikTok Mutiny' as Soft Recruits Can't Handle Basic Soldiering

"The Army is facing a major recruitment shortfall, projecting it will sign up just 50,000 new
soldiers in 2023 -- 15,000 fewer than its target of 65,000, according to the
U.K.'s Daily Mail.
The Navy and Air Force are confronting similar grim outlooks, expecting to miss their enrollment goals by 10,000 and 10 percent, respectively. This crisis highlights the military's profound failure to attract Generation Z. A flood of TikTok videos by Gen Z service members might give us further insight into why the numbers have dropped so drastically.
The videos trash life in the military and whine about the lack of sleep and the quality of the food. The Daily Mail described them as a "TikTok mutiny."
A clip posted in 2020 by Anthony Laster, who has over 950,000 followers, said the Army had "No Privacy, The Pay Sucks, S***ty Food, Disrespectful Leadership, NO SLEEP!" WJ

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