Thursday, December 7, 2023

Zelensky Will "Pay For His Mistakes" Says Kiev Mayor Vitali Klitschko

"Zelensky failed to prepare Ukraine properly for the war with Russia and will “pay for his
” warned Kyiv Mayor Vitali Klitschko. Klitschko was asked if he was surprised to see Zelensky’s popularity declining across the country.
No. People see who is effective and who is not, and there were and are many expectations. Zelensky is paying for the mistakes he made,” he responded. The Ukrainian President failed to heed warnings that his armed forces were ill-prepared and “denied until the end that it would happen,” said Klitschko.
The Mayor questioned “why it was possible that the Russians were able to reach Kyiv so quickly” and chastised Zelensky for providing too much information “that didn’t match reality.” ZH

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