Saturday, January 20, 2024

Ukrainian Adventist Conscientious Objector Serving Three-Year Jail Sentence

"Ukrainian Seventh-day Adventist Dmytro Zelinsky is serving his three-year jail term for
refusing to take up arms in
Ukraine's fight against Russia. “The Recruitment Office rejected Zelinsky's written request to be exempted from mobilization on grounds of conscience or to be assigned to alternative civilian service 'due to the fact that such replacement is not provided for by the current legislation,' according to the subsequent court decision,”...An official of Kremenets District Recruitment Office – who did not give his name – refused to explain why it refused Zelinsky's application for alternative civilian service. Zelinsky is preparing a Supreme Court appeal. Courts have handed conscientious objectors three prison sentences (two of them later overturned), nine suspended prison terms, and two acquittals (which prosecutors are challenging). Seven criminal trials continue." Forum18

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