Thursday, February 8, 2024

Ukrainian Female POW Reveals Extraordinary Story of Her Rescue by Russia's Military

"A female soldier from the Ukrainian Armed Forces, who was rescued by Russian forces,
shared her story on the social media network, Telegram.

The Ukrainian woman revealed that she joined the military to earn money, because her husband had gone missing in early 2022. Left with three children and no means to feed them, she had no choice but to enlist.
The woman has not received any compensation as promised by the Ukrainian government.
She was wounded near the village of Krynki, but the military rejected her pleas to be evacuated. The Ukrainian woman was saved by soldiers from the Russian Armed Forces, who promptly provided her with the necessary medical assistance. In the time leading up to her rescue, the woman spotted a drone in the air and began waving at it. Russian servicemen swiftly approached her using an all-terrain vehicle and safely transported her away from the area." Sputnik

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