Thursday, February 29, 2024

US Issues Warning To Breakaway Moldovan Region Seeking Russia's 'Protection'

"Russian state media says that the country's parliament and Federation Council is preparing to respond positively to Transistria's earlier urgent requestion for Moscow's 'protection' from
Moldova, a small eastern European country supported by Washington. Russian legislators have "put forward a request to both the Federation Council and State Duma of Russia, urging them to implement measures to safeguard Transnistria, especially in light of Moldova’s growing pressure. This request is backed up by the fact that over 220,000 Russian citizens reside in Transnistria."
The Biden administration has responded by saying it is "closely watching" the situation, calling the breakaway "occupied" by Russian forces (since Soviet times). "The United States firmly supports Moldova’s sovereignty and territorial integrity within its internationally recognized borders," the State Department said." ZH

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