Thursday, March 28, 2024

Colombia Expels Argentine Diplomats After Javier Milei Calls Socialist President a ‘Terrorist Murderer’

"Colombian far-left President Gustavo Petro ordered on Wednesday the expulsion of
Argentine diplomatic personnel from the country in response to statements by Argentine counterpart Javier Milei, who called Petro a “terrorist murderer” in a yet-to-be-aired interview.
Milei, a staunch anti-communist, was interviewed by journalist Andrés Oppenheimer for his weekly television show. While the interview is scheduled to be broadcast by CNN en Español on the evening of Sunday, March 31, the television channel has published several preview clips of the interview on its website and on social media.
In one such clip, Milei describes Petro, a former member of the Marxist M19 guerrilla terrorist organization, as a “terrorist murderer,” which drew the immediate ire of the Colombian far-left president." Breitbart

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