Friday, March 15, 2024

Haiti's top gang leader threatens politicians, capital jail on fire

"Capital Port-au-Prince .... a fire broke out at its main penitentiary, according to reports from local media.
Videos showed thick black smoke billowing out from the facility, from where earlier this month armed men freed the prisoners.....comments from gang alliance head Jimmy "Barbeque" Cherizier were recorde and distributed via a rambling 7-minute audio message shared on messaging platform WhatsApp.
"Don't you have any shame?" said Cherizier, directing his remarks at politicians who he said were looking to join the council. "You have taken the country where it is today. You have no idea what will happen," he added.
"I'll know if your kids are in Haiti, if your wives are in Haiti ... if your husbands are in Haiti," he said in an apparent threat to their families. 
In his remarks, Cherizier said the resignation of Henry was only "a first step in the battle." MS

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