Thursday, March 14, 2024

Poll: Netanyahu Tops Rivals as Biden Pressure Campaign Fails

"Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is far ahead of his political rivals, and right-wing parties would win another election if it were held today, according to a poll released
Wednesday by
Israel’s Channel 14.
The result led to speculation that pressure from the Biden administration has united Israelis behind Netanyahu as the only leader capable of standing up to the White House on issues such as a Palestinian state and defeating Hamas.
Biden has tried to press Israel to accept a Palestinian state after the war, which Netanyahu has said would be a massive reward to Hamas for terror. Biden has also pressured Israel not to attack Hamas in its last stronghold in the town of Rafah..... the poll found that Netanyahu is preferred to Blue and White Leader Benny Gantz by 47% to 37%, and that he is preferred over opposition leader Yair Lapid of the Yesh Atid Party by an even wider margin of 48% to 28%." Breitbart

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