Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Biden Keeps Relying On Murderous Dictators To Keep Oil Prices Down As Elections Draw Near

"The Biden administration continues to rely on hostile regimes to keep oil prices down in the months leading up to pivotal elections.
The Treasury Department announced Monday that it is extending sanctions relief for 10 Russian financial institutions that are involved in the energy sector, with the relief set to expire on November 1 in the absence of any further action. The move reduces the risks that global oil prices spike over the summer and follows several similar decisions involving Iran and OPEC countries, for example, keeping oil prices lower ahead of important elections.
Additionally, the administration appears to have adopted a lax approach to enforcing oil sanctions against Iran, a State Department-identified state sponsor of terrorism. Iranian oil exports have exceeded $100 billion since Biden came into office in 2021. All of these decisions to keep global energy prices from increasing have been made while the administration has taken numerous steps to rein in domestic energy production. " DC

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